Are you in the entertainment industry and waiting for your break?
Take a moment to really analyze what the term “make it” or “making it” truly means… Rich & Famous??? But what is being “rich”… Isn’t our...
We all NEED Help!!!... Psalms 121
It is ok to NEED help... We all need it... Especially from our heavenly Father. Be open to receive just as well as you give. When things...
Don't give up yet...
I don't know if I'm alone on this... But I have definitely been tested these past 7 days!!! When you make your request known... Know that...
Comfortable vs. Uncomfortable
Hey everyone.... So i just had an AHA! Moment :-) ... When I was in High School there were many times I wanted to give up or quit...
Guard your Vision/Plan
Not everyone will understand YOUR vision or plan... That's why it's YOURS!!!! Don't give people the opportunity to kill your dreams or...

Encourage Yourself
No matter how much you try to stay encouraged at some point in life, you will be greeted with some type of sorrow or pain. When those...