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Was that your blessing????

Good Morning everyone… So ya’ll know I always find a lesson in everything… So this morning I get to my work parking lot and check the status of the next bus which said 10 minutes, which seems too long as I could prob get there in 15 min if I walked. Soooo as I’m walking I see a bus coming behind me so I run to the next stop. As I’m approaching the bus stop I know the driver seen me running. I get up to the back entrance of the bus and low and behold the driver closes the door and proceeds to drive off… Now in my head (I know I have friends who drive the bus… No Shade J ) I’m like these drivers get a kick out of leaving folks after they have ran to catch the bus… I know she saw me…

But what did Falyn see this as… It was an illustration of me following my dreams expecting everything to go smoothly then a blessing comes up and I’m not ready so I begin rush the plan so that I can be ready to catch the wave and ride out my dream. But what I saw as a blessing wasn’t exactly God’s blessing for me. All in all I got back on track and received the blessing that was in store for me… I still got to work on time…

Sometimes shortcuts may seem like a blessing but in actuality they are a hindrance. Stay on the path that God as laid before you and trust that he knows the way… Remember he KNOWS where we are going… We can only INVISION/SEE where we are going…

What is for you will be for you...

© 2013 by Made with LOVE

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